The subscription period for warrants of series TO 3 in Dicot begins today
Today on June 1, 2022, the subscription period for the warrants of series TO 3 issued in connection with the rights issue of units in Dicot AB (publ) during the fourth quarter of 2021. The subscription period lasts until June 15, 2022.
Terms for the warrants of series TO 3 in short:
One (1) warrant of series TO 3 entitles the owner to subscribe for one (1) new share in Dicot AB ("Dicot" or "the Company").
Subscription price: 0.29 SEK per new issued share
Subscription period: June 1, 2022 - June 15, 2022
Volume: 38068461 warrants of series TO 3. If fully exercised, 38068461 new shares are issued, and the Company will receive approximately 11.0 MSEK before transaction costs
Trading with warrants of series TO 3: Warrants of series TO 3 can be traded at Spotlight Stock Market under the ticker ``DICOT TO 3`` with ISIN-code SE0016844450. Last day of trading with warrants of series TO 3 is June 13, 2022.
Note that the warrants that are not sold in the market before June 13, 2022, or are used for subscription at latest June 15, 2022, will expire and thus lose their value. To ensure that the warrant owner's warrants of series TO 3 don't expire without value the owner has to actively subscribe for shares or sell their warrants in the market.
Complete terms for the warrants of series TO 3 was included in the prospectus regarding the rights issue of units released on September 8, 2021. More information, an independent document with complete terms for the warrants of series TO 3, and the prospectus are available at Dicot's webpage.
How to use the warrants:
Trustee registered warrants (Custody account)
Subscription and payment with the use of warrants of series TO 3 shall be made in accordance with instructions from each trustee. If you have further questions regarding subscription and payment please contact your trustee for additional information in good time before June 15, 2022, as different trustees may have different processing times.
Directly registered warrants (Securities account)
Directly registered holders (holdings on a VP account) of warrants of series TO 3 must notify redemption of warrants by filling in and sending a notification form for the exercise of warrants, so that it is received by the issuing institution Hagberg & Aneborn Fondkommission AB no later than 15.00 on 15 June 2022.
No accounts for issuing nor any instructions regarding payments will be sent out. Subscriptions will be made through simultaneous payment in accordance with the instructions on the application form. The warrants will then be replaced by interim shares (IS) awaiting registration at the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
The subscription form will be available at the Companys homepage,, and on Hagberg & Aneborn Fondkommissions homepage
Stockholm Corporate Finance AB is the financial adviser and Advokatfirman Lindahl KB is legal adviser regarding the warrants of series TO 3. Hagberg & Aneborn Fondkommission AB acts as issuing agent regarding the warrants of series TO 3.
For questions regarding the warrants, please contact:
Hagberg & Aneborn Fondkommission AB.
Phone: + 46 (0) 840 89 33 50
Email: [email protected]
For additional questions regarding the warrants, please contact:
Elin Trampe, CEO.
Phone: +46 (0) 739 80 14 08
Email: [email protected]
About Dicot AB
Dicot is developing the drug candidate LIB-01, which will be a potency agent to better treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The ambition is to create a drug with significantly longer effect and far fewer side effects, compared to those on the market. Today, at least 500 million men suffer from these sexual dysfunctions and the market is valued at SEK 50 billion. Research and development are conducted under own auspices up to phase 2 studies. Thereafter, Dicot's intention is to form strategic alliances, or alternatively carry out a trade sale, with larger, established pharmaceutical companies to be able to introduce LIB-01 on the world market.
Dicot is listed on Spotlight Stock Market and has approximately 3,300 shareholders. For more information, please visit
Om Dicot Pharma
Dicot utvecklar ett modernt potensläkemedel som ska behandla erektionssvikt och för tidig utlösning bättre än befintliga preparat.