Results from comparative animal experimental study on the effects of its candidate substance Libiguin® DIC2024 versus the active substance in Viagra®

Press release: Uppsala, August 26, 2019. Dicot AB (publ), developer of drugs targeting sexual dysfunctions, today announced that the company has conducted a comparative animal experimental study on the effects of its candidate substance Libiguin® DIC2024 versus the active substance in Viagra®, namely sildenafil, the latter which belongs to the substance group PDE-5 inhibitors used for treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The compounds were administered to male rats, which were then introduced to female rats, who had been made sexually receptive by treatment with sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone). Both, DIC2024 and sildenafil, significantly stimulated the mating behavior, however, the behavioral patterns induced differed noticeably, which indicates that the mechanisms of action of the two compounds differ markedly.

Sildenafil shortened the time from the initial dosing to when the male rats mounted the female rats and penetrated vaginally, without particularly affecting other measured parameters. Libiguin® DIC2024 significantly increased the number of mounts and vaginal penetrations, while simultaneously shortening the time from the initial dosing to when the male rats mounted and penetrated the female rats. Additionally, these trials reproduced results that Libiguin® DIC2024, unlike sildenafil, has a long-lasting effect: after an initial treatment for three days, the effects of DIC2024 persists for between 7-14 days after the treatment.

"The trials show clear differences in the effect profiles for DIC2024 and a PDE-5 inhibitor", says Dicot"s CEO Göran Beijer,"The results from the behavioral studies can be interpreted so that DIC2024 stimulates both desire, as evidenced by the increased number of mounts and penetrations by the male rats, and the ability, as evidenced by the shortened time from the initial dosing to when the male rats. Thus, the results indicate that Libiguin® DIC2024 has its very own effect profile with the potential to treat sexual dysfunctions, and is not just a variant of the currently used PDE-5 inhibitory drugs. In future clinical studies, our hope is to show how Libiguin® DIC2024 can thereby be used to treat sexual dysfunctions in an improved way compared to current treatments."

Footnote: Viagra® is a registered trademark of Pfizer Inc., USA.

For more information, please contact:

Julie Silber

CFO/Investor Relations Director, Dicot

Tel.: +46-79-3486277

Email: [email protected]

About Dicot AB (publ)

Dicot"s business concept is to develop the product LibiguinTM as a drug for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. The development takes place in-house up to clinical phases. It is the company"s intention to subsequently enter into strategic alliances at appropriate times, or alternatively conduct a trade sale, with established major pharmaceutical companies to be able to introduce LibiguinTM on the world market. Dicot is listed on the Spotlight Stock Market and has approximately 700 shareholders.

This information is such that Dicot AB is required to make public in accordance with the EU's Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). The information was made public by the Company's contact person above on August 26, 2019.

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Om Dicot Pharma

Dicot utvecklar ett modernt potensläkemedel som ska behandla erektionssvikt och för tidig utlösning bättre än befintliga preparat.



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