Disclosure Notice - Major shareholding notification
Press release: Uppsala, July 17, 2020. Dicot AB (publ) ("Dicot" or the "Company") announces today, July 17, the following disclosure notice as a result of the Company's completed rights issue.
Jarl Wikberg, founder, major shareholder and board member of the Company, has reduced his shareholding below the limit of 15 percent. Total shareholding after the transaction, which has taken place via Spotlight Stock Market, amounts to 4,071,770 shares, corresponding to 10.6 percent of the shares and votes in the Company.
Bengt Walfridson has reduced his shareholding below the limit of 5 percent. Total shareholding after the transaction, which has taken place via Spotlight Stock Market, amounts to 1,500,000 shares, corresponding to 3.9 percent of the shares and votes in the Company.
Both changes in shareholdings are attributable to the rights issue carried out by the Company during June 2020.
For further information, please contact:
Göran Beijer, CEO
Tel: +46 (0) 706 63 60 09
E-mail: [email protected]
About Dicot AB
Dicot is a pharmaceutical company focused on drug discovery and the development of novel lifestyle drugs to enrich patients' lives. The Company develops and manufactures medicines for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The company's lead product, Libiguin®, for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, is in a stage of pre-clinical development. Dicot is listed on the Spotlight Stock Market and has approximately 1,600 shareholders. For more information see www.dicot.se.
Om Dicot Pharma
Dicot utvecklar ett modernt potensläkemedel som ska behandla erektionssvikt och för tidig utlösning bättre än befintliga preparat.