Dicot contracts world leading medical expert within erectile dysfunction
Press release: Uppsala, Sweden, March 8, 2023. Dicot has entered into a consultancy agreement with medical doctor Harin Padma-Nathan, a world leading medical expert in male sexual dysfunctions. Dr Padma-Nathan was involved in the development of the drugs for erectile dysfunction currently on the market, e.g., as Lead Principal Investigator during the development of Viagra and Cialis. His Viagra paper in The New England Journal of Medicine is the most cited paper in the field of urology.
Dicot is developing a novel potency drug aimed to become the first choice for treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, and the company is now preparing for the start of clinical studies with the drug candidate LIB-01.
The company has now entered into a consultancy agreement with Dr Harin Padma-Nathan, a world leading medical doctor within erectile dysfunction drug development. Dr Padma-Nathan has been Lead Principal Investigator in over 110 clinical trials, including the Viagra and Cialis programs. He has been published extensively, e.g., three articles in the New England Journal of Medicine including the Viagra, MUSE and Caverject landmark publications. His 1998 Viagra paper is still the most widely cited paper in the field of urology.
Dr Padma-Nathan received the American Urological Association Scholarship and was Professor of Clinical Urology at Keck School of Medicine at University of Southern California. He has been a frequent guest in every major American news network such as CNN, Fox and 20/20, and his research has been cited on the front pages of e.g., the New York Times and The Los Angeles Times.
"I am excited and honored to support the Dicot team. LIB-01, with its unique duration of action, promises to shift the management paradigm of erectile dysfunction. It is the first revolutionary molecule to enter the field since the advent of Viagra", comments Dr Harin Padma-Nathan.
"I am very glad and grateful that Dr Padma-Nathan will be an advisor to Dicot and I'm certain his experiences from this medical field in the international arena will add a lot of value in several strategic areas", says Elin Trampe, CEO of Dicot.
For further information, please contact:
Elin Trampe, CEO
Phone: +46 739 80 14 08
E-mail: [email protected]
About Dicot AB
Dicot is developing the drug candidate LIB-01, which will be a potency agent to better treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The ambition is to create a drug with significantly longer effect and far fewer side effects, compared to current available drugs. Today, over 500 million men suffer from these sexual dysfunctions and the market is valued at USD 7 billion. Dicot's strategy is to develop LIB-01 under own auspices until phase 2a studies and thereafter in partnership with larger, established pharmaceutical companies, finance and develop LIB-01 further to a registered pharmaceutical on the world market.
Dicot is listed on Spotlight Stock Market and has approximately 3,300 shareholders. For more information, please visit www.dicot.se.
Om Dicot Pharma
Dicot utvecklar ett modernt potensläkemedel som ska behandla erektionssvikt och för tidig utlösning bättre än befintliga preparat.