Raytelligence – Year End Report 2020

October 1 – December 31, 2020

•   Net sales SEK 0

•   Operation profit SEK -2,028,758

•   Profit after financial items SEK -2,028,758

•   Earnings per share SEK -0,09


January 1 – December 31, 2020

•   Net sales SEK 342,000

•   Operation profit SEK -6,450,727

•   Profit after financial items SEK -6,453,650

•   Earnings per share SEK -0,29 

•   Cash and cash equivalents 2020-12-31 SEK 20,119,163


Number of shares

Per 2020-12-31, 21 907 369 shares

Proposed dividend

       The Board proposes that no dividend be paid for the 2020 financial year.


Upcoming reports

Interim report Q1 2021           2021-05-27

Interim report Q2 2021           2021-08-27

Interim report Q3 2021           2021-11-26


Annual general meeting

The annual general meeting is scheduled for April 19, 2021at the company’s premises at Klammerdammsgatan 6 i Halmstad, Sweden.

The annual report is planned to be available on the Company’s website on April 5, 2021.


Significant events during the report period (2020-01-01 – 2020-12-31)

•  An order for samples with an order value of approximately SEK 300,000 is received from one of the world’s largest sensor companies

•  Launch of the second generation of EaZense, a cloud-based non-contact sensor system for Health & Care

•  Signs an agreement with Mandalay Consulting OY, Finland

•  Rights issue completed of approximately SEK 5.4 million before issue costs, subscribed for approximately 500 percent

•  EaZense registered as a medical technology product class 1 by Medical Product Agency, Sweden

•  Certification of EaZense as a medical technology product class 2 begins

•  Rights issue completed of approximately SEK 26 million before issue costs, subscribed for approximately 211 percent

•  Delivery of EaZense to nursing homes


Significant events after the end of reporting period

•  Raytelligence is listed on the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, Germany

•  Raytelligence becomes a partner in the PICTA project Autumn Leaves for improved case detection in close care

Questions are referred to:

Klas Arvidson, VD Raytelligence

[email protected]

+46 70 416 98 00


Raytelligence AB (publ)

Klammerdammsgatan 6

302 42 Halmstad



This information is disclosed by Raytelligence AB under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person for publication on February 26, 2021 at 07:30 CET.

About Raytelligence AB (publ)

Raytelligence is a Swedish innovation company, based in Halmstad that offers products for monitoring vital parameters, ie breathing, heart rate and movement patterns, based on the company's own 60 GHz radar technology.

Om Raytelligence

Företagets nyckelstrategi är att identifiera och slutföra en kombination med en verksamhet inom någon av följande sektorer fordonsindustri, finansiella tjänster, livsmedelsteknik, hälsovård, spjutspetsteknologi och mediasektorer i Europa och Asien som kan dra nytta av vår ledningsgrupps omfattande erfarenhet och operativ förmåga, även om företaget förbehåller sig rätten att utöva en förvärvsmöjlighet i alla företag eller branscher.



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Ben Hedenberg VDoch ledamot [email protected] +46 8-551 160 90