Raytelligence - signs an MOU with Dele Health Tech

Raytelligence has signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Dele Health Tech, Norway, which specializes in fall detection.

The agreement signals the companies' intention to build increased business and technology cooperation. Over time, the partnership between the organizations is expected to involve collaboration on technology integration, exploring mutually beneficial business opportunities and joint marketing.

"We are pleased to have signed this MOU with Dele Health Tech. Dele's innovative new approaches to fall detection and fall prevention fits our own philosophy to solve the problem of falls. We look forward to working with the Dele team." says Klas Arvidson, CEO Raytelligence

"With a hardware-agnostic solution, Dele Health Tech can collaborate with the best and most relevant sensor partners in the global market. We are pleased to enter into this agreement with Raytelligence.Raytelligence is a supplier of world-class sensor technology and there is strong synergy between our platform and the sensors that Raytelligence produces. We look forward to this collaboration." says Carine Zeier, CEO of Dele Health Tech.

Questions are referred to:

Raytelligence - Klas Arvidson, CEO, [email protected], +46 70 416 98 00

Dele Health Tech - David Stone, VP Marketing, [email protected] +47 99 27 10 11

Raytelligence AB (publ)

Klammerdammsgatan 6

302 42 Halmstad


About Raytelligence AB (publ)

Raytelligence is a Swedish innovation company, based in Halmstad that offers products for monitoring vital parameters, i.e., breathing, heart rate and movement patterns, based on the company's own 60 GHz radar technology.

About Dele Health Tech

Dele Health Tech is a technology company that's revolutionizing healthcare with innovative data fusion for dignified fall management.

Founded in Norway and operating in the US and Europe, the company's AI-based solution fuses room-sensor data with individual-level electronic health data to provide exceptional detection accuracy, nurse call integration and commercially viable scalability for multiple healthcare and senior living scenarios.

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Om Raytelligence

Företagets nyckelstrategi är att identifiera och slutföra en kombination med en verksamhet inom någon av följande sektorer fordonsindustri, finansiella tjänster, livsmedelsteknik, hälsovård, spjutspetsteknologi och mediasektorer i Europa och Asien som kan dra nytta av vår ledningsgrupps omfattande erfarenhet och operativ förmåga, även om företaget förbehåller sig rätten att utöva en förvärvsmöjlighet i alla företag eller branscher.



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