Raytelligence - signs agreements with resellers
Raytelligence signs agreements with
· Milcross Medtech AB operates in assistive technology for healthcare, primarily private actors in Sweden
· NorthMerge specializes in technology transfer in the healthcare sector, the forest and mining industry and, in the energy and environmental areas
"In parallel with the intensive sales process, we sign ongoing agreements with resellers and partners to gain a global presence, it is gratifying that Milcross Medtech and NorthMerge find our products interesting," says Klas Arvidson, CEO of Raytelligence.
We at Milcross Sweden AB are proud to become resellers for Raytelligence products and we are confident that they represent the future needs for solutions and security in health and care sector", says Anders Nyberg CEO of Milcross Sweden AB.
"We are very positive about the collaboration with Raytelligence and that the company wants to reach out with its innovative technology in the healthcare sector in South America, in a market where it is needed and in demand", says Ola Dunderberg CEO Northmerge
Questions are referred to:
Klas Arvidson, VD Raytelligence
+46 70 416 98 00
Raytelligence AB (publ)
Klammerdammsgatan 6
302 42 Halmstad
About Raytelligence AB (publ)
Raytelligence is a Swedish innovation company, based in Halmstad that offers products for monitoring vital parameters, ie breathing, heart rate and movement patterns, based on the company's own 60 GHz radar technology.
PR-2021-04-07-ENG.pdfOm Raytelligence
Företagets nyckelstrategi är att identifiera och slutföra en kombination med en verksamhet inom någon av följande sektorer fordonsindustri, finansiella tjänster, livsmedelsteknik, hälsovård, spjutspetsteknologi och mediasektorer i Europa och Asien som kan dra nytta av vår ledningsgrupps omfattande erfarenhet och operativ förmåga, även om företaget förbehåller sig rätten att utöva en förvärvsmöjlighet i alla företag eller branscher.
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