Raytelligence receives orders from Luleå municipality

Raytelligence receives initial order from Luleå municipality, order value SEK 45,000.

Order refers to a test for 6 months in special accommodation.

"We are very pleased to be able to deliver to Luleå municipality, which has a very professional organization for the introduction of welfare technology, more and more municipalities are discovering the benefits of the EaZense sensor system and the opportunities it offers." says Klas Arvidson CEO.

"It feels very exciting. We have a goal to be at the forefront of digital and invest in digitalisation and welfare technology, which are prerequisites for succeeding in meeting the challenges of the future in elderly care,” says Henric Barsk, Unit Manager Luleå Municipality.

Questions are referred to:

Klas Arvidson, CEO Raytelligence

[email protected]

+46 70 416 98 00

Raytelligence AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) No 596/2014, ”MAR”). The information was submitted for publication by the aforementioned person on 23 June 2021 at 16.20 (CET).

Raytelligence AB (publ)

Klammerdammsgatan 6

302 42 Halmstad


About Raytelligence AB (publ)

Raytelligence is a Swedish innovation company, based in Halmstad that offers products for monitoring vital parameters, i.e., breathing, heart rate and movement patterns, based on the company's own 60 GHz radar technology.

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Om Raytelligence

Företagets nyckelstrategi är att identifiera och slutföra en kombination med en verksamhet inom någon av följande sektorer fordonsindustri, finansiella tjänster, livsmedelsteknik, hälsovård, spjutspetsteknologi och mediasektorer i Europa och Asien som kan dra nytta av vår ledningsgrupps omfattande erfarenhet och operativ förmåga, även om företaget förbehåller sig rätten att utöva en förvärvsmöjlighet i alla företag eller branscher.



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Ben Hedenberg VDoch ledamot [email protected] +46 8-551 160 90