Raytelligence - is listed in Germany

Raytelligence AB's shares will soon be tradeable in Germany at Boerse Stuttgart. Boerse Stuttgart GmbH is the parent company of Nordic Growth Market, the trading venue which is behind the listing initiative.

The listing at Boerse Stuttgart is an opportunity to, together with Nordic Growth Market, increase the company's visibility in European capital market

In order to support quality pricing in trading at Boerse Stuttgart, the shareholder Swedish Adrenaline AB will grant a share loan to EUWAX AG, who will act as liquidity provider in Raytelligence AB's shares. EUWAX AG is a subsidiary of Boerse Stuttgart GmbH.

Augment Partners AB has granted an exemption from Swedish Adrenaline AB's lock-up commitment specifically for this purpose.

The event can be followed digitally on https://www.ngm.se/en/ngm-reach

"It is very gratifying that the company's shareholding now can be broadened. It's a good platform for us to reach Europe and the world for our company and our products says Klas Arvidson, CEO Raytelligence AB.

Questions are referred to:

Klas Arvidson, VD Raytelligence

[email protected]

+46 70 416 98 00

Raytelligence AB (publ)

Klammerdammsgatan 6

302 42 Halmstad


About Raytelligence AB (publ)

Raytelligence is a Swedish innovation company, based in Halmstad that offers products for monitoring vital parameters, ie breathing, heart rate and movement patterns, based on the company's own 60 GHz radar technology.

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Om Raytelligence

Raytelligence är ett svenskt innovationsbolag, baserat i Halmstad som erbjuder produkter för övervakning av vitalparametrar, det vill säga andning, hjärtfrekvens och rörelsemönster, baserat på bolagets egen 60 GHz radarteknologi.



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