Interim Report Q3 2021

January 1 - September 30 2021

· Net Sales SEK 217 578

· Operation profit SEK -9 404 350

· Profit after financial items SEK -9 350 977

· Earnings per share SEK -0,37

· Numbers of shares 25 558 597

July 1 - September 30 2021

· Net Sales SEK 199 072

· Operation profit SEK -3 568 154

· Profit after financial items SEK -3 568 154

· Earnings per share SEK -0,14

· Numbers of shares 25 558 597

Significant events during third quarter

· Patent granted in the United States

· Receives order from Careteq, Australia

Significant events after the report period

· Signs an agreement with Zleep Zafe GmbH and receives orders of approximately SEK 4.4 million

· Raytelligence receives order from Hofors Municipality

· Receives additional call-off orders from Careteq, Australia

Comments from CEO


The investment in our partner strategy continues at the same time as we do not slow down the pace of municipal processing, we now have four municipalities in pilot and several at the entrance.

The interest in our product EaZense is currently very large both nationally and internationally.Organization is now more sales and market oriented, which gives us great opportunities to better accommodate market needs. We have another leg to stand on, B2C (Business to Consumer) by signing an agreement with the German the company ZleepZafe, in connection with this, Raytelligence received an initial order of approximately SEK 4.4 million.


We now certify EaZense for the important foreign markets, among others. USA, Canada, New Zeeland, and Australia.This work is in the final stages, which prepares us to establish higher pressure in these markets in 2022.A stated goal we have is to become the best in the world at case detection. This is the feature of EaZense that means the most to our customers.

We have for a long time together with our partner in the Netherlands, Croonwolter & Dros developed one "Off-line" version (without connection to wi-fi) of EaZense specially adapted for the prison service, there is a global need for this, and we see great potential. The features that are available are Fall, Presence, Liveness and People Count.The product is ready and will start being marketed soon.

During the month of November, we moved into new premises in Halmstad, which gives us the conditions to grow in all parts.Above all, we now have a production capacity that enables the production of the sensors we have as our goal to deliver next year and more.

Our internal goal for 2021 was to sell 1,000 EaZense systems and this has already been achieved by a good margin during Q3.

The goal for 2022 is at least 10,000 units.

Klas Arvidson

Questions are referred to:

Peter Martinson, CFO Raytelligence

[email protected]

+46 708 14 64 65

Raytelligence AB (publ)

Klammerdammsgatan 6

302 42 Halmstad


This information is disclosed by Raytelligence AB under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person for publication on November 26, 2021, at 08:00 CET.

About Raytelligence AB (publ)

Raytelligence is a Swedish innovation company, based in Halmstad that offers products for monitoring vital parameters, ie breathing, heart rate and movement patterns, based on the company's own 60 GHz radar technology.

Om Raytelligence

Företagets nyckelstrategi är att identifiera och slutföra en kombination med en verksamhet inom någon av följande sektorer fordonsindustri, finansiella tjänster, livsmedelsteknik, hälsovård, spjutspetsteknologi och mediasektorer i Europa och Asien som kan dra nytta av vår ledningsgrupps omfattande erfarenhet och operativ förmåga, även om företaget förbehåller sig rätten att utöva en förvärvsmöjlighet i alla företag eller branscher.



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