Mavshack reached 23 000 paid subscriptions in October

During the month of October Mavshack sold a total of 23 422 paid subscriptions. This is an increase of more than 16 000 paid subscriptions compared to the previous month. Mavshack obtained almost 10 000 new users during October of which 34 percent were paying Premium subscribers. The number of paid subscriptions include both 1- and 30- day subscriptions. 

Month New subscribers* Paying users among new subscribers** Total sold subscriptions*** (new + recurring)
July 1 216 5% 195
August 1 523 4% 272
September 10 601 16% 7 290
Total Q3 13 340 14% 7 757
October 9 758 34% 23 422

*Amount of new first time registered subscribers. This includes Basic subscribers (those who get free access to limited content) and paying Premium subscribers.
**Share of new subscribers who pay for their subscription. The rest have registered for a Basic account in order to get free access to a limited amount of content.
***Including 1- and 30-day subscriptions. Note that a subscribers can have purchased more than one day pass during the period. The number includes both new and reccuring subscribers.

Mavshack ran joint marketing campaigns in October with telecom operators in the Middle East, a region where the company sees the greatest flow of new subscribers being generated. TV shows like #Jadine remained among the most consumed titles on the streaming service.

A common sales practice among streaming services is offering free subscriptions, which Mavshack calls "Basic", for a shorter time in order to in future convert them to paying subscribers. Both the recruitment of new subscribers as well as the conversion of non -paying subscribers into paying, are key measurements to assess how well the company succeeds in its marketing and are therefore figures Mavshack follows to adjust its activities. The total number of paid subscriptions suggests how the overall business is developing. It should be noted that the subscriber base is not homogeneous, among other things, the statistics includes both 1-day and 30-day subscriptions, why one should avoid drawing long term conclusions based on these numbers.

Mavshack intends to report subscription statistics on a monthly basis.

November 3, 2015

For more information, please contact:
CEO Anders Lindén, phone +46 (8) 12 45 17 90 [email protected]

About Mavshack AB
Mavshack operates a global Internet TV services with Asian entertainment. The service, which is available through Internet connected devices, is genuinely global with users in over 80 countries. With the largest library of Filipino and Indian titles, as well as agreements with Asia's leading content providers, Mavshack is the obvious choice for Asian entertainment around the world. The company operates its business on a proprietary technology platform.

Mavshack AB (publ) is a publicly traded company listed on Nasdaq First North under the ticker MAV. Certified adviser is Erik Penser Limited. More information about the company is available at

Om Mavshack

Mavshacks är en streaming SVOD-tjänst (Streaming Video on Demand) som erbjuder asiatisk underhållning till människor runt om i världen.



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Marknad Nasdaq First North Growth Market Kortnamn MAV ISIN-kod SE0020998854 Certified Adviser Carnegie Investment Bank