Cibus statement regarding acquisition rumours in respect of a Danish supermarket portfolio
Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) has taken note of the recent rumours regarding potential ongoing acquisition in Denmark of a Danish supermarket portfolio. Cibus confirms it is in negotiations about a potential transaction in Denmark. At this stage there is no certainty that such a transaction will take place nor as to the terms to which such a transaction would be subject.
As an active growth company, Cibus continuously evaluates strategic opportunities that align with our vision and growth objectives, which includes larger property portfolios in the Nordics and Continental Europe. We acknowledge the importance of transparency and timely communication with our stakeholders and assure you that if there are any material developments that require disclosure, we will adhere to our obligation and provide timely updates.
18 December 2024
For further information, please contact:
Christian Fredrixon, CEO
+46 (0)8 12 439 100
Pia-Lena Olofsson, CFO
+46 (0)8 12 439 100
This press release contains information that Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at the time specified by Cibus' news distributor beQuoted at the time of publication of this press release.
Cibus is a real estate company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap. The company's business idea is to acquire, develop and manage high quality properties in the Nordics with daily goods store chains as anchor tenants. The company currently owns more than 450 properties in the Nordics. The largest tenants are Kesko, Tokmanni, Coop Sweden, S Group, Dagrofa and Lidl.
Om Cibus
Cibus affärsidé är att förvärva, förädla och utveckla högkvalitativa fastigheter i Norden med välrenommerade livsmedelsbutiker och dagligvarukedjor som ankarhyresgäster för att kunna ge en stabil, konjunkturoberoende och ökande utdelning till våra aktieägare.
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