Bulletin from the annual general meeting on 15 April 2021 in Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ)

At the annual general meeting held on 15 April 2021 in Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) the main resolutions passed were the following:

  • The meeting resolved to adopt the income statement and the balance sheet for the parent company and the group.
  • The meeting resolved on allocation of the company's results according to the adopted balance sheet in accordance with a board proposal. Consequently, it was resolved on a dividend in accordance with the below:

    The meeting resolved on a dividend to the shareholders of EUR 0.94 per share. It was resolved that the dividend be paid monthly during the year on twelve occasions where the first partial payment shall be EUR 0.07 per share, the second EUR 0.08 per share, the third EUR 0.08 per share, the fourth EUR 0.07 per share, the fifth EUR 0.08 per share, the sixth EUR 0.08 per share, the seventh EUR 0.08 per share, the eight EUR 0.08 per share, the ninth EUR 0.08 per share, the tenth EUR 0.08 per share, the eleventh EUR 0.08 per share, and EUR 0.08 per share at the twelfth occasion. The record dates will be on 23 April 2021, 24 May 2021, 23 June 2021, 23 July 2021, 24 August 2021, 23 September 2021, 22 October 2021, 23 November 2021, 22 December 2021, 24 January 2022, 21 February 2022 and 24 March 2022. The dividend is expected to be paid on 30 April 2021, 31 May 2021, 30 June 2021, 30 July 2021, 31 August 2021, 30 September 2021, 29 October 2021, 30 November 2021, 30 December 2021, 31 January 2022, 28 February 2022 and 31 March 2022.

    Should the board of directors exercise the authorisation to issue new shares in such time that the newly issued shares are entered into the share register, at the latest, on the record date for dividends of the next partial payment as mentioned above, the meeting resolved that a dividend be paid in such an amount that the dividend still amounts to the above stated amounts per share, for both pre-existing shares and shares that may be issued by virtue of the authorisation. If the authorisation is not exercised in such time, no further dividend shall be paid.
  • The meeting resolved to discharge the board members and the CEO from liability regarding the financial year 2020.
  • The meeting resolved that the number of board members shall be five (5) and re-elected the board members Patrick Gylling, Elisabeth Norman, Jonas Ahlblad and Stefan Gattberg as well as elected Victoria Skoglund as new board member. The meeting elected Patrick Gylling as chairman of the board.

    The meeting re-elected the registered auditing firm KPMG AB as the company's auditor.
  • The meeting resolved that fees to each of the board members shall amount to EUR 2,375 per month and fees to the chairman of the board shall amount to EUR 4,750 per month.
  • The meeting resolved to authorise the board to issue new shares, with or without pre-emption rights for the shareholders. The total number of shares that may be issued by virtue of the authorisation must be within the limits of the share capital according to the articles of association. The total number of shares that may be issued by virtue of the authorisation may not exceed 10 per cent of the total number of outstanding shares in the company on the date of the annual general meeting.
  • The meeting resolved to adopt a long-term incentive program for the executive management of the company. The incentive program is in the form of a warrant plan.

    Furthermore, the meeting resolved, in order to fulfill its obligations according to the warrant plan, to issue warrants as well as on the transfer of warrants. A maximum of 120,000 warrants may be issued in relation to the warrant program.
  • The meeting resolved to amend the instruction to the nomination committee.
  • The meeting resolved to approve the remuneration report.

15 April 2021

For further information, please contact:

Sverker Källgården, CEO, Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ), tel: +46 761 444 888
Pia-Lena Olofsson, CFO, Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ), tel: +46 708 580 453

Cibus is a real estate company listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market in Stockholm. The company's business idea is to acquire, develop and manage high quality properties in the Nordics with daily goods store chains as anchor tenants. The company currently owns approximately 290 properties in the Nordic. The main tenants are Kesko, Tokmanni, Coop and S-Group. FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399 [email protected], is appointed Certified Adviser.

Om Cibus

Cibus affärsidé är att förvärva, förädla och utveckla högkvalitativa fastigheter i Norden med välrenommerade livsmedelsbutiker och dagligvarukedjor som ankarhyresgäster för att kunna ge en stabil, konjunkturoberoende och ökande utdelning till våra aktieägare.



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