Milestone 2 reached
The board of Appspotr AB has decided that milestone 2 in the cooperation agreement with Novel Unicorn has been reached through the pilot project deals that has been signed with iRegister, Yuxin and EZ Cloud.
These three companies already have established app-based services and customers who are experienced app users. Together, they have over 500 000 customers that now will be targeted.
- I am very proud over the deals that we and Novel Unicorn have put together and I'm full of anticipation for the future. Together, these three partners have over half a million app experienced customers and that gives very good chances to succeed in our projects, says CEO Patric Bottne.
At the same time, Appspotr's platform, with its newly launched developer portal and its marketplace, provides these three with great opportunities to both strengthen their position in China by delivering customer specific apps and to build new positions in markets outside China.
- Our partners have a very good understanding of our platform and they see the opportunities that our developer portal and our marketplace provide for them to create modules to customize apps and, down the line, to expand globally through our marketplace, says Patric Bottne.
While these projects are running, discussions are being held with third party developers outside China that want to develop modules with unique functionality for the Chinese market. And as could be read in the market update published on March 12, there are projects running with customers and partners that doesn't involve China.
- The strength of our ecosystem for app development and the way it works in practice - when creatives, developers and customers around the world can do business with each other to develop new app functionality and sell it our marketplace - is now apparent. We now have three deals just in China and together with Novel Unicorn, we will find more all-around Asia. The potential in these first three is big enough to give us the chance to reach our sales targets, says Bottne.
- The cooperation agreements that have been reached with these three well established digital service providers have big potential. With the developer portal and the platform business model in place, the company is now moving into an exciting phase what we have been looking forward to for years. We in the board have decided to deem the deals with these three partners as sufficient for milestone 2. In parallel, dialogues continue with more partners. With milestone 2 in place, we increase our ownership in Appspotr Asia according to plan, says chairman Peter Wendel.
Patric Bottne, CEO, Appspotr AB
Phone: +46 701 46 61 89
E-mail: [email protected]
E-post: [email protected]
About Appspotr AB
Appspotr makes it easy for individuals and businesses to create native apps online, without pre-programming skills. The user builds the app using pre-programmed modules, custom design and content, and then publishes it in any app store. At the same time, Appspotr offer developers an opportunity to earn money from creating the modules used. Appspotr has 12 employees and is based in Gothenburg.
About Appspotr Asia
Appspotr Asia is a subsidiary jointly owned by Appspotr AB (30%) and Novel Unicorn (70%). See the press release on the Chinese joint venture from 29 May 2017 for more information.
Om Appspotr
Appspotr är ett IT-bolag som utvecklar, säljer och marknadsför mjukvarulösningar för utveckling av mobila appar med fokus på Low Code som innebär att användaren kan skapa mobila appar utan förkunskaper inom kodning. Via bolagets plattform Appspotr 3 erbjuds tjänster relaterade till formgivning, innehåll och publikation som innebär snabbare, effektivare produktion av appar till en väsentligt lägre kostnad. Kunderna återfinns bland annat inom IT-bolag, webbutvecklare och andra företag vilka utvecklar mobila applösningar till slutkund samt inom företag och organisationer med behov av apputveckling inom organisationen.