Decisions by AGM 2019 in Vilhelmina Mineral AB (publ)
Vilhelmina Mineral AB (publ) ("the Company") has held an annual general meeting on May 3, at which the current members of the board, Scott Moore, Neil Said, Les Kwasik, Jonas Dahllöf and Peter Hjorth, were re-elected. Further, the board has been authorized to issue up to 33,000,000 new shares or other financial instruments.
For the period until the end of next annual general meeting, it was resolved to re-elect the board members Scott Moore, Peter made Hjorth, Jonas Dahllöf, Leslaw Kwasik and Neil Said. Further, for the period until the end of next annual general meeting, it was resolved to re-elect the registered audit company Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB with the main responsible auditor Henrik Boman.
It was decided to adopt new articles of association according to which the share capital of the Company shall amount to not less than SEK 1,650,000 and not more than SEK 6,600,000. Further, the number of shares shall not be less than 16,500,000 shares and not more than 66,000,000 shares.
The annual general meeting further authorized the board of directors to decide on issue of new shares and/or issue of convertibles and/or warrants with cash payment and/or, payment in kind or by set-off on a single or several occasions until the next annual general meeting and with the right in relation thereto, to deviate from the shareholders' preferential rights. By decision based on the authorization, the share capital may be increased by maximum SEK 3,300,000 through the issue of a maximum of 33,000,000 shares. If this authorization is fully used, the dilution will be 67%. The main purpose of this authorization is to establish ability to finance new business opportunities within existing operations or for expanded operations in the form of, for example, acquisitions.
All decisions were taken unanimously at the annual general meeting.
Stockholm May 3, 2019
For additional information:
Peter Hjorth, CEO, Vilhelmina Mineral AB (publ)
Tel: +46-725 38 25 25
Email: [email protected]
Se även:
Vilhelmina Mineral is a Swedish junior resource company with focus on copper and zinc projects in the Nordic countries. In Sweden the Company owns the Stekenjokk project in which approximately 7 million tons were produced between 1976 and 1988. According to estimates there are remaining indicated mineral resources of 7.4 million tons with grades of 1.17% Cu, 3.01% Zn and 47 g/ton Ag (cut-off 0.9% Cu). In Norway, Vilhelmina Mineral is co-owner in the Joma field in which some 11.5 million tons were previously produced between 1972 and 1998 with average grades of 1.5% Cu and 1.5% Zn. The Joma field (excluding Gjersvik) is estimated to hold approximately 5.7 million tons with grades of 1.55% Cu and 0.82% Zn (cut-off 0.8% Cu).
Om Vilhelmina Mineral
Vilhelmina Mineral är ett bolag verksamt inom prospektering och gruvutveckling i Norden inom basmetaller, främst koppar och zink. Bolaget fokuserar i nuläget på det svenska projektet Stekenjokk och Levi samt det norska projektet Jomafältet.
Få löpande information från Vilhelmina Mineral via e-post.