Unibap winner of Subcontractor Jumpstart
Unibap was rewarded first prize and an 100,000 SEK innovation check in the competition "Subcontractor Jumpstart". With the following motivation, Unibap was appointed winner:
Unibap has already proven itself in the market for AI. The jury has paid particular attention to the technical height, uniqueness and team competence.
- We build interdisciplinary solutions based on space engineering, AI and robotics. Together, these areas constitute a strong foundation for intelligent industrial automation. It feels great to get this recognition, says Fredrik Bruhn, CEO of Unibap.
Subcontractor Jumpstart is organized by Elmia Subcontractor, Teknikföretagen ("the technology companies") and Mjärdevi Science Park. This year eight companies were selected as contestants based on their strong growth and groundbreaking technology.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Fredrik Bruhn, CEO
[email protected]
Tel: +46 70 783 32 15
About Unibap
The Company's business operations are mainly conducted in Sweden and focuses on integrated intelligent vision and computing solutions in industrial robotics, quality assurance, and space and surveillance. Unibap's background is based on long experience from space exploration, design and manufacturing of rugged industrial computer solutions, and advanced robotics. Unibap's solutions and products are designed for mission critical intelligent autonomation and robotics systems for smart factories and Industry 4.0. The Company is listed on the Nasdaq First North exchange under the ticker UNIBAP.
For further information, please visit the Company's website unibap.com.
Mangold Fondkommission AB, phone. +46 8 5030 1550, is the Company's Certified Adviser.
Om Unibap
Bolaget är ett modernt IT-bolag som ligger i framkant med integration av AI-lösningar och robotik. Unibap digitaliserar industrins produktion och tillverkning genom att göra blinda robotar seende i kombination med mänskliga förmågor för kvalitetsavsyning och automatisering. Bakgrunden till Unibap är erfarenheter från mångårig utforskning av rymden, av tillverkning av ruggade industridatorlösningar och robotiklösningar.
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