Anders Blomberg leaves position as CEO
Due to differing views on how to move the company forward, Unibap's board and CEO have jointly decided that Anders Blomberg will step down as CEO on February 11th, 2022. Current Head of Communication and Talent, Lena W Jansson, has been appointed acting CEO from February 11th, 2022, until a permanent CEO has been recruited.
- 2021 has been both a challenging and exciting year for Unibap, and Anders has made considerable contributions to the company's development towards its next phase. Unibap is growing, and as recently as yesterday we announced a collaboration agreement with Northvolt to develop automated disassembly of batteries. In addition, our business area Space is in an intensive phase as the development of the international space industry accelerates. Considering the new opportunities for Unibap, as well as the differing views on how to move the company forward, the board has assessed that Unibap now needs a different leadership in its continued growth. I want to thank Anders for his work and great loyalty to the company during a demanding period, and I wish him all the best in the future, says Ingrid Engström, Chairman of the Board of Unibap.
- It has been a very intense and educational year where I, together with the team at Unibap, have finished substantial client projects while developing the organization to be ready for its next step, says Anders Blomberg.
For more information, please contact:
Ingrid Engström
Chairman of the Board
+46 72 545 60 05
This information is by Unibap required to disclose under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication on February 10, 2022 at 19.05 CET.
About Unibap
Unibap is a high-tech company that aims to automate and streamline industries on earth as well as in space. With smart solutions based on AI and robotics, we want to increase quality and productivity for our customers while eliminating dangerous tasks that today are performed manually. Unibap strives to have a positive impact on both society and the environment. The company's Quality Management System is certified according to SS-EN ISO 9001:2015. The company is listed at Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
For more information, please visit the Company's website
FNCA Sweden AB, +46 8-528 00 399, [email protected], is the Company's Certified Adviser.

Om Unibap
Bolaget är ett modernt IT-bolag som ligger i framkant med integration av AI-lösningar och robotik. Unibap digitaliserar industrins produktion och tillverkning genom att göra blinda robotar seende i kombination med mänskliga förmågor för kvalitetsavsyning och automatisering. Bakgrunden till Unibap är erfarenheter från mångårig utforskning av rymden, av tillverkning av ruggade industridatorlösningar och robotiklösningar.
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