Seamless Distribution Systems Nomination Committee for AGM 2018

In accordance with the decision of Seamless Distribution Systems AB (SDS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 24, 2017 the SDS nomination committee for the AGM 2018 shall consist of representatives of the three largest shareholders or owner groups according to the Euroclear Sweden's share register per August 1, 2017, and the chairperson of the board.

If a shareholder entitled to appoint a member of the nomination committee waives the right to appoint a member, the right to appoint a member shall be transferred to the largest shareholder who previously had no right to appoint a member of the nomination committee. The composition of the nomination committee shall be announced no later than six months before the next AGM. No remuneration shall be paid. The term of office of the nomination committee ends when the following nomination committee has been published. The nomination committee has been established in accordance with the principles set by the AGM and has the following composition:

  • Martin Schedin, Nomination committee chair, representing SDAB
  • Ulric Grönvall, representing Danske Capital
  • John Longhurst, representing egna aktier
  • Gunnar Jardelöv, Chairman of SDS

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee can do so via e-mail to "[email protected]" or by mail to "SDS nomination committee, Box 353, 101 27 Stockholm." The nomination committee's proposal will be presented in the notice to the AGM 2018 and will be published on the SDS website together with the nomination committee's reasoned opinion. The AGM will be held in Stockholm on April 25, 2018.

October 3, 2017

For more information please contact: Gunnar Jardelöv, chair of the board, +4 6 708 34 81 48.

Submitted for publication October 3, 2017 at 08:50 CET.

About SDS
SDS is a Swedish software company with solutions for electronic distribution of services to private consumers through mobile operators in emerging markets. The company offers its corporate customers a comprehensive solution for digital transactions. The company has customers in 28 markets that reach over 200 million mobile consumers through more than 675,000 retailers. SDS has approximately 140 employees in Sweden, Belgium, Ghana, Guinea, USA, Pakistan, India, Ecuador and the United Arab Emirates.

With over 16 years of experience, SDS focuses on high customer satisfaction and effective development. SDS manages over 5.3 billion transactions annually and enables the growing population of emerging markets to become part of the mobile revolution.

SDS shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX First North Premier.

The company's Certified Adviser is Mangold Fondkommission AB, telephone number +46 8 5030 1550. 

Om Seamless Distribution Systems

SDS är ett svenskt mjukvarubolag med lösningar för elektronisk distribution av tjänster till privatkonsumenter via mobiloperatörer i tillväxtländer. Bolaget erbjuder sina företagskunder en helhetslösning för digitala konto och transaktioner. Bolaget har kunder i alla världsdelar som når över 300 miljoner mobilanvändare via fler än 700 000 aktiva återförsäljare. SDS har cirka 130 medarbetare i Sverige, Belgien, Ghana, Nigeria, USA, Pakistan, Indien, Ecuador och Förenade Arabemiraten.



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Marknad Nordic SME Kortnamn SDS ISIN-kod SE0009994445


Martin Schedin Chief Financial Officer [email protected] 070 438 14 42