Gothenburg's first permanent hydrogen refuelling station is now being launched
Gothenburg's first permanent hydrogen refuelling station will be launched at October 26. The hydrogen refuelling station is located next to PowerCell Sweden AB's premises at Hisingen in Gothenburg, Sweden. The Swedish fuel cell company PowerCell Sweden, has together with Hydrogen Sweden, Sweco AB and Oy Woikoski participated in the project to build the new hydrogen station. Buses, light trucks and passenger cars can now refuel their vehicles at the new hydrogen refuelling station in Gothenburg.
Gothenburg's first permanent hydrogen refuelling station at Hisingen in Gothenburg will finally open on October 26, 2015. Hydrogen Sweden and Sweco AB have driven the project in collaboration with PowerCell Sweden AB and Oy Woikoski. The hydrogen station is part-funded by Västra Götaland Region, Woikoski and the EU program INEA Ten-T.
"Hydrogen Sweden strives to put hydrogen on the national agenda to meet the EU directives on more environmentally friendly alternative fuels," said Björn Aronsson, Executive Director, Hydrogen Sweden." The fuel station in Gothenburg makes it possible to link the route between Oslo, Norway and Malmö in southern Sweden, where refuelling stations already exist."
"Hydrogen is part of Region Västra Götaland's work for sustainable transportation. As a region, we want to help create more jobs while reducing the environmental impact," said Regional Development Chairman Birgitta Losman. "The aim of the project is to invest in a basic infrastructure for hydrogen vehicles that makes it possible to create development in hydrogen vehicles and fuel cell technology in the Västra Götaland region."
Hydrogen is a key future fuel that provides no environmental impact. The cars run on hydrogen, which is converted to electricity, which means that they emit only water vapour. Hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources is a fossil-free vehicle fuel. A fuel cell vehicle is powered by electricity and emits only water caused by a catalytic reaction in the fuel cell.
Most leading vehicle manufacturers have recently announced that they are investing in this technology and the first cars are now being launched in the market. A fuel cell is always combined with a battery in the vehicles and in some cases, the fuel cell can be smaller and serve as a so-called range extender for hybrid electric cars, buses and light trucks in city traffic, where zero emission vehicles are an important step towards a better environment.
Per Wassén, CEO of PowerCell Sweden AB said: "The hydrogen fuel station makes it possible for PowerCell Sweden to test fuel cell vehicles in the Västra Götaland region and also to motivate companies and the public organizations operating in the station's proximity to start using these types of vehicles. The station will also become a hub here in the area for collaboration and clustering around hydrogen gas, which strengthens PowerCell's global attractiveness as a leading player in the market".
The Finnish gas company Oy Woikoski supplies the station in Gothenburg. The company has had a hydrogen vision since the late 20's and is now committed to a clean environment.
"Woikoski have a strong will to promote emission-free traffic by increasing the number of hydrogen stations along transport corridors for alternative green fuels in Europe", said Kalevi Korjala, CEO of Oy Woikoski AB
Woikoski will have three hydrogen stations in Finland this year and the company sees Sweden as an interesting part of the development. In Finland Woikoski specializes in exploitation of so-called by-product hydrogen that occurs at various chemical processes as unused by-product and believes that Sweden has much potential in utilizing this hydrogen for emission traffic.
Press Invitation - Registration for the launch event on October 26
The opening ceremony takes place on 26 October at Ruskvädergatan 12 in Gothenburg between 1 PM - 4 PM. If you wish to participate, please sign up no later than 16 October by sending an email to: [email protected]
Gothenburg, Sweden, October 6, 2015
For additional information please contact:
Per Wassen
CEO, PowerCell Sweden AB (publ)
Phone: +46 76 553 37 71
Email: [email protected]
Kalevi Korjala
CEO, Oy Woikoski AB
Phone +358 400 156 848
Email: [email protected]
Birgitta Losman
Chairman, Regional Development,Västra Götalandsregionen
Phone: 0703-67 95 80
Email: [email protected]
Björn Aronsson
Executive Director, Hydrogen Sweden
Phone +46 (0)704 71 99 50, +46 (0)31 334 37 73
Email: [email protected]
About PowerCell Sweden AB (publ)
PowerCell is a leading energy technology company with a unique and patented technology for generating electricity from fuel cells in an efficient and environmentally friendly way. PowerCell develops and distributes advanced fuel cell systems for the transport industry, the telecommunication industry and the military sector.
PowerCell has developed fuel cell technology for more than a decade, and has perfected a unique design that enables the production of a lightweight, versatile and reliable power source for automotive, transport and stationary applications.
PowerCell's fuel cell system converts road diesel to electricity in an energy efficient and environmentally friendly manner, where exhaust fumes and toxic emissions are eliminated and are quiet in operation. The electricity can be used for climate control in trucks and other heavy-duty vehicles and eliminate idling when resting and loading/unloading.
PowerCell is a spinout from the Volvo Group with the objective to develop and produce environmentally friendly power systems based on a unique fuel cell and reformer technology that matches existing fuel infrastructures. PowerCell is based in Gothenburg and is owned by Volvo Group Venture Capital, Fouriertransform, Midroc New Technologies and Finindus. For further information, please visit:
Om PowerCell
PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) är Nordens ledande bränslecellsbolag, som utvecklar och producerar miljövänliga elkraftsystem för stationära och mobila kundapplikationer.