New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Interim Report Q2 January - June 2024 Historic sales increase during Q2 and continued strong trend after the first half of the year. Second quarter (1 April 2023 - 30 June 2023) • The group's net sales in SEK increa...
På ordinarie bolagsstämma i New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) den 30 april 2024 beslutades följande Utdelning Stämman beslutade, i enlighet med styrelsens förslag, att ingen utdelning lämnas för räkenskapsåret 2022 och att bolagets medel till förfogande överförs i ny räkning. S...
New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Interim Report Q1 January - March 2024 The first three months (1 January 2024 - 31 March 2024) • The group's net sales in SEK increased by 3.1 percent during the quarter to SEK 130.2 million (126.3). In local currenc...
Kallelse till Årstämma i New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Aktieägarna i New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) kallas härmed till årsstämma.
New Nordics Healthbrands AB (publ) årsredovisning 2023 New Nordics årsredovisning 2023 är nu tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida  Årsredovisningen finns också tillgänglig på bolaget...
New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Full Year Report January - December 2023 The fourth quarter (1 October 2023 - 31 December 2023) • The group's net sales in SEK increased by 27.7 percent during the quarter to SEK 142.6 million (111.7). In local currenc...
New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) kommenterar Disciplinnämndens beslut att till Nasdaq Stockholm betala ett vite motsvarande sex årsavgifter Aktierna i New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) ("Bolaget" eller "New Nordic") är upptagna till handel på Nasdaq Stockholm AB:s ("Börsen") handelsplattform Nasdaq First North Growth...
New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Interim Report Q3 January - September 2023 The third quarter (1 July 2023 - 30 September 2023) • The group's net sales in SEK increased by 10.9 percent during the quarter to SEK 135.1 million (121.8). In local currencies...
New Nordics valberedning inför årsstämma 2024 Årsstämma för New Nordic Healthbrands AB kommer att hållas den 30 april 2024.
New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) part ways with Chief Commercial and Operating Officer We have today decided to part ways with Chief Commercial and Operating Officer Mr. Tage Juhl Finninge. Tage and CEO Karl Kristian Bergman Jensen both had faith in being able to d...
NEW NORDIC HEALTHBRANDS AB (PUBL) SIX-MONTH REPORT JANUARY - JUNE 2023 First half of the year (January 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023) • New Nordic's net sales in SEK increased by 0.8 percent during the first half of the year to SEK 256.2 (254.0) million....
På ordinarie bolagsstämma i New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) den 27 april 2023 beslutades följande Utdelning Stämman beslutade, i enlighet med styrelsens förslag, att ingen utdelning lämnas för räkenskapsåret 2022 och att bolagets medel till förfogande överförs i ny räkning. S...
New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Interim Report Q1 January -March 2023 Q1 2023 • Net sales amounted to MSEK 126,3 (123,3), a decrease of 4,5 % in local currencies and an increase of 2.4 % in SEK. • Gross margin decreased to 63.0 percent (67,2). • E...
Kallelse till Årsstämma i New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Aktieägarna i New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) kallas härmed till årsstämma. Plats: Quality Hotel View Adress: Hyllie Stationstorg 29, 215 32 Malmö Tid: Torsdagen den 27 april 2...
New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Full Year Report January - December 2022 FULL YEAR  2022 • Net sales amounted to MSEK 487.5 (514.8), a decrease of 11.3 percent in local currencies and 5.3 percent in SEK. • Gross margin decreased to 65.3 percent (68,0...
New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Interim Report Q3 January - September 2022 NINE MONTHS 2022 • Net sales amounted to MSEK 375.8 (393.8), a decrease of 10.5 percent in local currencies and 4.6 percent in SEK. • Gross margin decreased to 66.2 percent (68....
New Chief Commercial and Operating Officer I am pleased to announce that Mr. Tage Juhl Finninge has accepted the position as Chief Commercial and Operating Officer of NEW NORDIC. The position is an extension of the compan...
New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) Six Months Report January - June 2022 SIX MONTHS 2022 • Net sales amounted to MSEK 254.0 (268.9), a decrease of 10.7 percent in local currencies and 5.5 percent in SEK. • Gross margin decreased to 66.0 percent (68,0...

Om New Nordic

New Nordic är ett kosttillskottföretag som fokuserar på starka internationella varumärken inom specifika hälsomarknadssegment som sömn, åldersbekämpning och viktminskning, samt hår-, hud- och naglar.



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Marknad Nasdaq First North Growth Market Kortnamn NNH ISIN-kod SE0001838038 Certified Adviser Mangold