LC-Tec elektroniskt variabla diffusionsfilter (EVD) tilldelas Best of Show på IBC mässan av Newsshooter
Den ledande sidan för bevakning av kameranyheter, Newsshooter, gav under gårdagen LC-Tec utmärkelsen Best of Show på IBC mässan i Amsterdam.
Motiveringen lyder:
"The LC-Tec Electronic Variable Diffusion (EVD) filter system is a really clever and interesting new product that allows you to electronically control the amount of diffusion that is being produced. If you are not familiar with LC-Tec, they are the company that is responsible for the electronic ND system that is found in many cinema cameras.
LC-Tec was showing a prototype of this technology which is going to be very similar to the final product that is scheduled to be available to third-party manufacturers in Q2, 2025.
This is pretty impressive technology, and from the demonstration I saw, it worked really well. The principle of how it works is similar to that of electronic variable ND, where you apply a small electronic charge to glass to change its properties. Being able to do this allows you to dial in precise amounts of diffusion depending on your needs."
Länk till Newsshooter:s motivering och intervju:
Newsshooter Best of Show Awards From IBC 2024 - Newsshooter
Om IBC (International Broadcast Convention)
IBC is the world's most inspiring content and technology event. It draws together the global media, entertainment and technology industry for a compelling live experience that enables every attendee to gain critical insights, share expertise and unlock business opportunities. Created 'by the industry, for the industry' - a principle established on its founding in 1967 that carries through to today - IBC has continued to evolve with each new trend and technology over its 56-year history. Attracting representatives from 24 countries in its first year, IBC now welcomes exhibitors, speakers and visitors from more than 170 nations.
För ytterligare upplysningar kontakta:
Olle Westblom
LC-Tec Holding AB
Tel: 073-024 30 33
Mail: [email protected]
Om LC-Tec
LC-Tec-koncernen är specialiserad på optiska komponenter baserade på flytande kristall (eng. liquid crystal "LC") teknik. Bolaget har mer än 30 års erfarenhet av utveckling och tillverkning av olika LC-baserade produkter, inkluderande optiska slutare, varierbara filter, polarisations-modulatorer och informationsdisplayer. LC-tekniken möjliggör elektronisk kontroll av infallande ljus utan att ha rörliga delar och produkterna används bl.a. för visning av 3D-film på biografer, tillsammans med professionella videokameror och i smarta glasögon. I bolagets lokaler i Borlänge finns tillgång till avancerade elektrooptiska laboratorier och en modern produktionsanläggning. Moderbolaget LC-Tec Holding AB är noterat på NGM Nordic SME. Mer information om LC-Tec finns på
Om Sperrung
LC-Tec-koncernen är specialiserad på optiska komponenter baserade på flytande kristall-teknik.
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