Annehem Fastigheter publishes prospectus
Annehem Fastigheter AB (publ) ("Annehem Fastigheter" or "the Company") has produced a prospectus for admission to trading the Company's B shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The first day of trading is expected to be December 11, 2020.
The prospectus has been approved of, and registered with, Finansinspektionen and is now available at Annehem Fastigheter's ( website.
Time plan for distribution and listing of Annehem Fastigheter on Nasdaq Stockholm:
December 3, 2020: Capital market day for investors, analysts and media (webcast)
December 7, 2020: Final day of trading in Peab shares including the right to receive shares in Annehem Fastigheter
December 8, 2020: Peab shares traded without the right to receive shares in Annehem Fastigheter
December 9, 2020: Record day for the distribution of shares in Annehem Fastigheter
December 11, 2020: Expected first day of trading in Annehem Fastigheter's B shares
November 12, 2020 Peab held an Extra General Meeting where shareholders decided to distribute all the shares in Annehem Fastigheter AB to the shareholders in Peab. The distribution ratio is 1:5 which means that one (1) share in Peab entitles to one (1) share right of the same sort in Annehem Fastigheter, and five (5) share rights entitle to one (1) share of the same sort in Annehem Fastigheter.
For further information please contact:
Ludvig Gauffin
Investor Relations Manager
[email protected]
Tel: +46 76 109 05 57
About Annehem Fastigheter
Annehem Fastigheter is a growth-driven property company specialising in commercial, community service and residential properties in the Nordic growth regions of Stockholm, Skåne, Gothenburg, Helsinki and Oslo.The property portfolio in Annehem Fastigheter consists of 22 investment properties with a value of SEK 3,281 million and a lettable area of 184 thousand sqm. The executive management team consist of CEO Jörgen Lundgren, CFO Jan Egenäs and Head of Group accounting Adela Colakovic. From 1 March 2021, Viveka Frankendal assumes the position as COO and Head of Property.

Om Annehem Fastigheter
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