Skogsfond Baltikum publishes the memorandum regarding the assets in Latvia
The memorandum prepared by Skogsfond Baltikum AB (publ) (the "Company") regarding the planned sale of the Company's assets in Latvia, 8,080 hectares of forest and land, is published today on 15 January 2024. The memorandum is available in English on the Company's website.
Furthermore, the parties that have expressed an interest and entered into a non-disclosure agreement with the Company will today be given access to a data room with information about the assets in Latvia.
As previously communicated, written bids regarding the acquisition of the assets in Latvia must be submitted no later than 15:00 CET on 29 February 2024. More information about the bidding process and the format of the bids is presented in the memorandum.
The sales process may be adjusted or discontinued. Events and decisions related to the sales process are communicated separately.
For further information, please contact:
Carl Olén, CEO, +46(0)70 3345 102
[email protected]
The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on 15 January 2024 at 16:45 CET.
Skogsfond Baltikum AB (publ) invests in forest assets in the Baltics, where the price is significantly lower than in Sweden. The goal is to deliver a good return by acquire, develop and ultimately divest a consolidated forest portfolio by 2026 at the latest. The company is aimed at both professional and retail investors. Skogsfond Baltikum's A-share has been admitted to public trading on the regulated market NGM Nordic AIF Sweden since June 2019.
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Om Skogsfond Baltikum
Skogsfond Baltikum AB (publ) är en svensk alternativ investeringsfond med fokus på investeringar i skogstillgångar i de tre baltiska länderna Estland, Lettland och Litauen.
Få löpande information från Skogsfond Baltikum via e-post.