Sig Hansen addressing rumors about Resqunit exit

Sandnes, Norway, April 22th, 2022 - Sig Hansen is still the company's second largest shareholder and very much active in the company, despite rumors that he has left the company and sold all his shares.

"The truth is quite the opposite. With all the exiting activities we have in USA, Canada, Australia, Spain, Portugal and many others, we have only just begun! ", Sig Hansen says in an interview with E24 today, 22th April 2022. 

Sig Hansen's company Resqunit ("RESQ") has recently received a Purchase Order totaling more than 30,000 units for use in the Canadian lobster-fishery. The order puts the company well ahead of expected sales, where close to the entire 2022 budget is now in order backlog. 

Mr Hansen is a highly respected TV celebrity and has appeared in all 18 seasons of "Deadliest Catch" on the Discovery Channel. He is the worlds most famous fisherman, and the series has been shown in more than 150 countries.

Sig Hansens company Resqunit AB (publ) is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and improves sustainability in global fisheries with technology and ocean data.

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Mangold Fondkommission AB  I  08-503 015 61  I  [email protected] 

For additional information, please contact:
Helge Trettø Olsen, CEO, Resqunit AB
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +47 901 68 908

Resqunit is an ocean tech company developing innovative equipment to disarm and retrieve lost fishing gear. Through sensor data collection and software, the company aims to increase knowledge about the oceans and increase catch predictability. Every year between 500 000 and 1 000 000 metric tons of fishing gear is lost at sea. A significant amount of this consists of plastic, which over time dissolves into microplastic particles and enters the food chain. Lost gear harms both the fishing, animal stocks and the environment. Resqunit AB (publ) was founded in 2021 as a parent holding company (listco) holding 100% of the shares in the Norwegian subsidiary Resqunit AS, founded in 2017.


Resqunit är ett företag som jobbar för att minska den globala påverkan av förlorad fiskeutrustning.

Exempelvis lösningar som deras reservboj som är monterad på hummerfällor. Om en fälla är i vattnet under en längre tid släpper enheten reservbojen. Bojen flyter upp till ytan och fällan kan plockas upp. Fiskarna sparar pengar och en miljöfara tas bort från havet.



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Marknad Nasdaq First North Growth Market Kortnamn RESQ ISIN-kod SE0017131220 Certified Adviser Corpura Fondkommission