Resqunit AB publishes Half Year Report H1-2023
Resqunit AB (publ) ("Resqunit") August 31st, 2023, at 18.00 CET - publishes Half Year Report H1-2023
First half year 2023 - compared to first half year 2022
Group revenue have been limited in both years.
Operating profit amounted to -4 558 675 SEK (-5 131 108 SEK).
Earnings per share -0,40 SEK (-0,48 SEK).
Key figures (SEK)
2023 Group | 2022 Group | |
Net sales, SEK | 587 982 | 43 88 |
Operating profit, SEK | -4 558 675 | -5 131 108 |
Earnings per share | -0,40 | -0,48 |
Equity per share | -0,24 | 0,54 |
Outstanding shares | 11 988 295 | 10 610 277 |
Solidity (%) | 23,58 | 61,61 |
CEO Helge Trettø Olsen comments:
The first half of the year resulted in a series of accomplishments that further solidified our position in the market. Our most important achievement was laying the foundations for the historic alliance for ocean sustainability, formed in collaboration with the Azores government and its "Regional Directorate for Fisheries". A pivotal moment was marked in early August when the Secretary of the Sea and Fisheries, Manuel Sao Joao, made the commendable decision to equip all licensed traps and gillnets in the autonomous region of Azores with our Resqunit technology.
Main events during H1 2023
- Distribution agreement with Ad Mare Solutions Lda to bring Resqunit Trap Recovery System to the Portuguese market.
- Significant milestone in its global expansion strategy with the signing of a distribution agreement with Intermas Group.
- Directed private placement of SEK 3.75 million to the institutional investors DSD AS and MIF Marine Invest.
- Initiating regulatory approach in the autonomous region of Azores (resulted in specific action after the period).
- Relocation of our product manufacturing from China to Portugal in July 2023, closer to core markets, and with significant cost savings in both manufacturing and shipping.
- A long with scientific testing and analysis of our product in main markets, operations in Jamaica and other regions has been thriving during this first half year, with increased deliveries and adoption by both local fishermen and the government.
Certified Advisor
Certified advisor to Resqunit AB is Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB (SKMG).
For more information, please contact
Helge Trettø Olsen, CEO, Resqunit AB
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +47 901 68 908
About Resqunit AB
Resqunit is an ocean technology company that develops innovative equipment to disarm and retrieve lost fishing gear. Through the collection of sensor data and software, the company wants to increase knowledge about the ocean and increase catch predictability. Every year, between 500 000 and 1 000 000 tons of fishing gear disappear at sea, including 25 million fishing pots. A significant part of this consists of plastic, which over time dissolves in microplastic particles and enters the food chain. Lost gear harms fisheries, animal populations and the environment. Resqunit AB (publ) was founded in 2021 as a parent company (listco) with 100% of the shares in the Norwegian subsidiary Resqunit AS, founded in 2017.
Resqunit är ett företag som jobbar för att minska den globala påverkan av förlorad fiskeutrustning.
Exempelvis lösningar som deras reservboj som är monterad på hummerfällor. Om en fälla är i vattnet under en längre tid släpper enheten reservbojen. Bojen flyter upp till ytan och fällan kan plockas upp. Fiskarna sparar pengar och en miljöfara tas bort från havet.
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