EYEONID GROUP AB (publ): Miss Group appoints Eyeonid Group to provide online ID security

Eyeonid Group AB (publ) and Miss Group have signed a strategic commercial partnership agreement relating to ID-security services to support Miss Group's global client base.

Miss Group, an international digital solutions provider, has appointed Eyeonid Group to provide ID-security services for its global client base of over 700,000 businesses. 

Eyeonid, which specializes in identity theft prevention, will provide ID-security services for Miss Group's corporate and private segments, delivered through the Group's 33 hosting companies. The services will be offered on both a stand-alone basis and as part of various bundles.

Fredrik Björklund, co-founder and CEO of Miss Group, said: "Online security is a top priority for our customers and their businesses. Cyber threats are growing exponentially, and identity theft in particular has become one of the world's fastest growing crimes, making it even more important that we provide our clients with a safe, secure online presence.

"Our partnership with Eyeonid allows us to continue to offer world-class security for our global client base, protecting them from potential cyber threats. Its flexible SaaS product offering means it can be deployed across our product base with minimal interruption, in a safe and compliant manner. As a European business with international presence, Eyeonid has the ability to scale quickly in line with our own business' growth strategy."

Georg Tsaros, CEO of Eyeonid Group, said: "We spend a great deal of our lives online. As we do that, we leave important traces of information behind us, whether intentionally or unintentionally - information that can be stolen or accessed by third parties for malicious purposes. Miss Group has taken a stand in supporting its clients, and we are honored to be able to play our part in helping them to protect their customers' businesses. As a result, Eyeonid will assist Miss Group in making the services available in all its markets.

"We also see great opportunities to bring other Eyeonid services to market with Miss Group's distribution, such as dynamic matches, domain surveillance, password warnings, and many more that will not only benefit Miss Group's client base, but also both companies in strengthening our positions within our respective markets."

For further information, please contact

Joanna Taylor, Petal & Co

Email: [email protected]


Georg Tsaros, CEO, Eyeonid Group AB (publ.)

Phone: 070 882 68 28

Email: [email protected]


About Miss Group

Founded in 2014, Miss Group is an international digital solutions provider that offers a range of hosting related services at competitive prices including web hosting, domain registration, VPS, dedicated servers, website builder, SSL-Certificate, SEO Tools, web security and domain management. Miss Group is also an ICANN-accredited Domain Name registrar via Name ISP. Miss Group is a well-established operator in its core markets, with a customer service-oriented model driving industry-leading performance metrics for its >700,000 web hosting customers. The majority of Miss Group is owned by Perwyn, a European private equity company.

About Eyeonid Group

Eyeonid Group is a preeminent European provider of SaaS solutions, specializing in cyber security and data analytics. The group's protection services are designed to safeguard against personal and corporate identity theft, while its cutting-edge data analytics services leverage the latest Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. Eyeonid is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in Antwerp, Belgium. Eyeonid Group is publicly listed on the NGM Nordic SME.

Om Eyeonid Group

Eyeonid Group AB (publ) grundades 2015 och är en SaaS-leverantör som genom egenutvecklad teknologi för insamling, analys och paketering av data utvecklar och säljer smarta lösningar som gör livet på internet enklare och tryggare för människor, företag och organisationer. Bolaget tillhandahåller affärslösningar inom IT säkerhet, integritetsskyddande tjänster och AI baserade datalösningar. Dessa riktas i första hand mot B2B marknaden i Europa för branscher som t.ex. bank, försäkring och telekom.



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