Eyeonid Group AB (PUBL) in POC agreement with large European bank
Eyeonid have today agreed on a Proof of Concept (PoC) project for a live market test with a large European bank in one local Country, to be made in November 2019.
Eyeonid have agreed on a PoC project consisting of a market test for a specific end customer of a large European bank during November of 2019 in order to make direct market evaluation from the customers of the bank for proactive ID theft protection using EyeOnID's services. The market survey is done jointly with customer interviews and surveys to establish customer perception and key offering models for the bank to build this in future Value-Added services.
" This new business opportunity shows as I have been stating previously that the market is starting to now engage more and more in the services of Proactive ID-Theft Protection. EyeOnID's business models and flexible set up and adaptive way of working enables customers in different industries to easily set up the service with very short time to market. This is an important part of the sales process for our services and also demands big efforts and resource contribution from the customer, which is the commitment to secure best go to market approach for them and their customers." says Patrik Ugander, CEO Eyeonid Group AB.
For further information please contact:
Patrik Ugander, CEO, Eyeonid Group AB (publ.)
Phone: 070-544 01 68
E-mail: [email protected]
Eyeonid was founded in 2014 and has since its inception developed a technically complex and advanced platform for proactive ID protection services. The company's service monitors and alerts customers when sensitive, private and corporate digital information, such as login credentials, credit card numbers and social security numbers, are found at unauthorized sites on the internet, whereupon the customer can act and protect himself.
This information is information that Eyeonid Group AB (publ) is obliged to disclose under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided, through the contact of the above contact person, for publication on the 25th of October 2019 at 08.31 CET.
Om Eyeon Group AB
Eyeon Group utvecklar säkerhetslösningar mot identitetskapning och förfalskning. Bolagets kunder väljer via plattformen vilken information de vill säkra, vilket inkluderar alltifrån kreditkortsnummer, e-mail adresser till ID handlingar. Eyeon letar därefter igenom datavolymer och information för att upptäcka avvikelser. Sedan levereras en varning och rekommendation till kunden att överblicka informationen och vid behov sätta in åtgärder. Bolaget har sitt huvudkontor i Stockholm.
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