Omnio and its collaborators receives a 4.95 MSEK grant from VINNOVA, Sweden's innovation agency, for the project "Development of a new biological treatment for diabetic foot ulcers".

Vinnova has granted Omnio and its partners 4.95 million SEK to develop a safe, scalable and cost-effective biological drug and to conduct the preclinical development that will allow us to initiate a clinical trial in diabetic foot ulcers. The project is a collaborative effort together with Dr Jan Apelqvist at Skåne's University hospital and Professor Tor Ny's research group at Umeå University.

Chronic wounds that do not heal, constitute a significant suffering for patients and an economic burden for the healthcare system. The healthcare costs are growing rapidly due to an aging population and a sharp increase in the prevalence of diabetes and obesity. Plasminogen has been shown to be a key regulatory molecule that activate all stages of the wound healing process. With our proposed plasminogen treatment, we expect to decrease the time required to obtain complete healing and to be able to treat the very worst-off patients with chronic hard-to- heal ulcers for which, amputations in many cases is the only option left. Thus, with a more effective preventing amputation that we anticipate plasminogen will provide, the reduced burden on society in both economic terms and increased quality of life will be profound.

"Together with the world leading DFU clinician Dr.Jan Apelqvist and plasminogen expert Tor Ny, we form a team that can support the project from preclinical development, clinical trials and all the way to market. The added funding will help Omnio accelerate its work towards bringing the benefits of Plasminogen to the patients" says Ulrika Norin, CEO at Omnio.

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